Hello everyone. It's me, Alex. If you're the kind of person who likes to enjoy things, well, here are a few things I've made for you to enjoy.
- Narrow Lines is a novel about living after the world has fallen apart, living with power and sadness. it is about the sea and the cold and the city. it is about failing and falling and finding something to hold on to.
- Skin Shapes is a poem to pass through. dragged back but dragged back wrong. a grip that will not loosen and a sound that will not cease. it is a companion piece to Narrow Lines.
- Shimmer is a small story, too small. and close, and dark, and slowly growing you into something else entirely.
- Shells is freedom, revenge. red over pink, gliding into the night atop their carcass.
Personally I would recommend that you read everything and subsequently come to hold them - and me - very dear in your heart. Just a suggestion.
Thank you.